Nain Rugs - 1800 Get A Rug
Nain rugs are some of most exotic types of rugs in the industry today. They are not easy to find and specially do not come at a low price. Nain is a town in the middle of Iran where the art of knotting rugs surpassed most rug makers in the entire region. After the fall of the clothing industry, the town authorized the production of high quality handmade rugs that could surpass the quality of all rugs made in Persia and actually came up with a very traditional style, consisting of medallions and floral motifs. Nain rugs are rugs of high knot count, usually over 400 KPSI persian knots. Nain rugs are also made with the best wools and sometimes the warp is made of silk, so you might find a wool and silk combination on the rug.


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