Why A Hand Knotted Oriental Rug? - 1800 Get A Rug
Although this can be quite a controversial subject for artists worldwide but it has been found that the Hand Knotted Rugs do not attain the kind of appreciation they deserve. In fact, artists have their easel and paints, model or landscapes for creating extraordinary works of art. However, a weaver is just a part of the whole line of skilled artisans devoted to bring such exquisite masterpieces to life.
Crafted for thousands of years, Oriental and Persian rugs have a rustic appearance that appeals to admirers of this art. These are creations quite similar to the fine art varieties with master-weavers and popular artisans crafting magical designs for centuries. In fact, the industry sustains a whole lot of workers, which tends to support entire families of such artistic weaves, preparing superior weaves until finishing a product. It might take days to months to ensure that such artistic items are presented superbly.
It is quite an amazing art that creates One of a kind rugs, which is already been created before the masterpiece is out there. The artists that have been working in the line to develop these rugs for years, in which the artist stencils out the illustration of the design, selecting colors carefully, with symmetry maintained in a complex and intricate pattern. The design level is dependending on the number of knots per square inch of the rug. These rugs are completed in a workshop, displaying soft floral designs in various hues, tribal Rugs with simple, geometric lines having agricultural and natural charm.
The wool must be prepared for weaving dependent on the design and intended rug use. The wool type is carefully considered that again depends on the design intended to be used on the rug. For rugs with more rustic design weavers prefer using coarser wool variety. There are also the Silk Rugs that combine high quality silk materials to create amazing figurines. Hand spun wool is used to induce an effect with different volumes of dye absorbed into the material for a more natural appearance. Only after the dye process is complete the weaving begins. Also, until the loom is prepared the rug cannot be knotted.
The warp strings are interwoven down the length of the room, which can take days to complete. The finest rugs are made of silk as it is finer than cotton and wool allowing more strings to attach to the loom. Thus higher knot count is achieved, which allows finer designs to be created. There are weavers in the field that have been working for years to create Wool And Silk Rugs. Regions of Middle East, Persia, Afghanistan, Arabia and even the South Asian countries like India, Nepal, China, Pakistan are considered the hub of these fine art makings. Artisans skilled over centuries are still indebted to the line of creating intricate artwork on beautifully woven rugs.
There are the blue, red, yellow, gold, silver and absolutely any kind of hue that is brought to live when these weavers spin their magic! Having expertise and experience in the line, these weavers might just have their families devoted to the field for decades. Their high quality Hand Woven Rugs has attained great accolades from admirers of the art all over the world. Often these people aren’t quite given the acknowledgement they should receive from the textile export industry, yet it is known to be costing from a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars spend to avail pieces of rugs that are certainly one of a kind!
A fine example of a traditional hand knotted carpet, is a not tufted one or a hooked or machine made rug.
A true hand made oriental rug, is a very high quality and very well defined rug that will last a lifetime and preserve its value, if kept in a good condition.
Fine Oriental rugs can have a great color combination as well as a monochromatic tone. Some of the most common motifs can be floral accents, exotic animals and geometric patterns, that add to the esoteric beauty of this fine work of art under your feet.
Our hand knotted rugs are offered here at a unique and desirable price which is a fraction of its actual value. Professional packing and shipping anywhere in the world and fully insured.
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